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Cat Lover Ph.D.

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Vote Kamala Harris

Edit November 6th, 2024: UGH SHIT! HELVÍTIS FOKKING FOKK! :(

330 M nation and a vengeful, egocentric, sociopathic crook gets the presidency. Unbelievable.

Stupidification. Fuck the ignorant MAGA morons, the brain dead cult followers.

Where are the election deniers now when we need them? Hello!

Edit November 14th, 2024: The Criminal in Chief Elect has nominated a fellow criminal, Matt Gaetz, to be the US Attorney General. LMAO! Well, these MAGA voters sure deserve the shit and the garbage they are getting. LMAO!

... and Tulsi Gabbard (Putin's asslicker) for Director of National Intelligence. The US is so fucked... Putin will be thrilled with this bullshit. Welcome to the world where Putin owns the US President. The orange turd will soon start to spew out Russian propaganda. Just wait and see. tRump siding with Putin/Russia against Europe doesn't surprise anyone who has been paying attention the last decade or so. Comrade tRump is a Russian agent 100%, and he thinks hanging around Putin makes him tough by association. He is basically in Putin's pocket. What an absolute scumbag traitor to his nation. But hey, at least Putin is not "woke", only a war criminal.

... and the conspiracy theorist and nutball, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This is getting deadly serious...

The wanna-be autocrat is loading his cabinet with extremists.

... and (ugh) Apartheid Elon Musk (who bought this President Elect Puppet) as his enabler and sidekick. I don't know where to begin... This guy is sooo annoying and he's even more creepy than The Vandal in Chief Elect himself. UGH! They are both poo-flinging xenophobic hate machines.

... and now the MAGA voters are starting to whine: "UHu, wE diDn'T v0tE foR eLON mUsK." -- YES, YOU DID!, it was so obvious to everyone that he was buying tRump. If you don't want someone to buy the government, don't elect someone who is for sale. You deserve all the crap you are about to get. Stop whining, you won. Enjoy the shit show on steroids. (Just blame Obama or Biden like you usually do).

Elect the orange bellend, get a circus. The Dunning-Kruger administration.

Stay tuned for more MAGA blunder. The absurdity will only get worse. This is almost awe inspiring level of stupidity, lol -- and none of these badly educated, ignorant morons seem to understand how tariffs work (not excluding The Bonkers in Chief Elect). Well, they will soon find out, when it starts biting them in the ass. Let's call it the tRump tax, lol. tRump voters are the dumbest motherfuckers alive. ("I love the poorly educated!" - tRump). They don't see far beyond the brims of their red hats. (Hey morons FYI, tRump's tariffs punish Americans. They are a tax paid by Americans to their own country).

Edit November 19th, 2024: Dr. OZ ..... LMFAO! Kennedy and Oz in leading health policy roles....

I can hear the MAGA trash whining: "bUt i diDN't KNoW oBAmaCaRE W0uLd bE aFFeCTeD." Don't pretend you didn't know, the orange turd has been japping about it for the past ten years. Don't claim to be a victim who was duped. The rest of the world could clearly see this clown for what he is. Your willful ignorance was your choice. You chose not to listen. You voted to hurt others and the only reason you are coming around now is because it’s personally affecting you and your family. HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO DO IT BEFORE YOU CAST YOUR VOTE! Shame on you.

These nominations look like Kakistocracy. They scream incompetency. It's like tRump is thinking (if he can think): "OK, who are the worst people I can come up with? The least qualified." It's almost like he's designing to destroy the US from within. Or maybe this self-serving, abusive narcissist just doesn't know any better? His lack of knowledge is sometimes quite stunning. THE MOST LIKELY REASON FOR THESE HILARIOUSLY UNQUALIFIED PICKS THOUGH: THESE NOMINEES ARE ALL tRUMP LOYALISTS (YES-PEOPLE) AND WILL DO EVERY NASTY AND EVIL SHIT HE ORDERS THEM TO DO, WITHOUT BLINKING.

This celebration of ignorance will make America great again? I wonder what he MAGA-TRASH considers "GREAT". tRump is destroying America in ways his supporters are too ignorant to comprehend.

The US is turning into a stinking joke and embarrassment. Shithole country. :(

Thank god I'm not living there anymore. I'm lucky, I have a choice.

Edit January 6th, 2025:

Elon the Megalomaniac Monster Bully: "I'm in control of the government now. H-1Bs and AI are good for us. Americans are too dumb for tech jobs."

MAGA: "wHAt? bUt We wANteD An aMERica FiRst g0VerNmEnT. tRuMP, DO sOMEthiNg!"

Trump: "Huh what? Oh right, what Leon said. I like H-1Bs since I have them at Mar-a-Lago. Make America great again, build a wall, buy Greenland or something, I don't know. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go golfing at Mar-a-Lago. Oh by the way, buy my merch to own ad-libs or something. Kthxbyeee."

Enemy of my enemy is my.… fuck!

Just be aware: You lie down with DOGEs, you wake up with fleas.... and without a job. How else will this richest a**hole in the world get his gigantic tax cuts?

While Elon Musk is burning down the government and gutting government services that assist everyday Americans, Musk continues to take tens of billions annually in subsidies. Subsidies paid by you the hard-working US taxpayer. THIS GUY IS A FRAUD AND HYPOCRITICAL PARASITE.

This administration of malice and hate is on a fast track to Kleptocracy.

Who else than MAGA has appetite to drive Tesla now?

Edit February 5th, 2025: It didn't take long for The Obnoxious in Chief to Make America Shitty Again.

UGH, four more years of this bullshit. tRump proves himself more idiotic every single day. He's turning US into GOP = Government Of Putin. Where is James Bond now when we need him to fight these autocratic cunts?

I'm gonna burn my US passport. I no longer care. The MAGA-TRASH can keep their shitty country, including their beloved Bully in Chief cult leader with his unreliable, vengeful and volatile policies and disastrous cabinet picks. He's like a 5 year old. He will go down as the single dumbest president in history. I don't want to be associated with this crap. I'm disgusted.

Everything tRump touches turns to shit.

To all tRump voters … FUCK YOU. Have a shit day.

Edit February 26th, 2025: I'm getting rather nauseated hearing the MAGA-TRASH whining: "WAh WaH, i vOtEd FOr tRUMp BUt I DidN'T VOtE fOr ThiS". Until tRump's vengeful policies affected them, they couldn't care less. It was OK when it only affected others ("WAh WaH, it WAs OnLy sUPpOSEd t0 AfFecT tHE LiBtARDs, nOt ME"). Well, good luck living in the shit you created for yourself. And this is just the first month of Project 2025...and the tariffs are coming (tRump's taxes). The MAGAs are about to be in for rude awakening, lol ... BRB, grabbing some popcorn...

Believing a small group of billionaires are suddenly working tirelessly for the benefit of the working class requires a spectacular level of stupidity.

Edit March 3rd, 2025: The White House Ambush three days ago: Must have been tough for Zelensky being the only adult in the room:

Zelensky thanks America for 4 minutes straight:

As of now the US is run by FASCISTS and MORONS.

"First, they fascinate the fools. Then, they muzzle the intelligent." - Bertrand Russell

Edit March 4th, 2025: Fuck the US pro-Russia maladministration autocratic, malicious cunts. They are revolting. US tells Europe to fight the war themselves. Europe says okay. JD, the weasel, Vance starts throwing insults and complaining about it:

Numerous European countries lost men and women in wars for US (e.g. Iraq/Afghanistan). Even Ukrainians died for the US, none of those countries asked for anything back from the US. Maybe they should all do that now actually.

US: "Europe needs to up its defense spending!"

Europe: "Ok, we will divest from US and spend all our money with EU countries"

US (throws tantrum): "Wait.. not like that.. ehh.. your countries army is small!"

As of now, buy European. US made armament will always be an inferior choice for Europe as long as the US remains unreliable. It doesn’t matter how good their fighter jets are if the reins are held by a traitor.

The US is a disgrace. Despicable, Fascist Cunts. Faces of Evil. Rotting and decaying nation led by a racist, vengeful, atrocious game show host and extortionist. He's acting like a Mob Boss and his degenerate cabinet gangsters are cheering him on. Seems to me they are imitating Russia's cult of cruelty. And then they boast about their treatment of Zelensky like it's some kind of macho "win". They are like dogs waiting for Putin's bone. Putin knows exactly how to handle tRump. He's doing a masterful job. (I'm getting really angry now... grrrr).

I'm just waiting for these Treacherous, Backstabbing Cunts to start sending weapons to Russia to fight against Ukraine. Wouldn't surprise me. When will they start doing joint military exercises with Russia?

Fuck these Brutal Bullies. The US is becoming a global pariah - and they deserve it. "Land of the free" my ass.

tRump's US = Russian Puppet State.

"Europe is now fighting a dictator, backed by a traitor." - Claude Malhuret


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