
RoboHex's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 8,111 (From 1,176 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 161,340 Points

Fruit Popper

Medals Earned: 9/9 (185/185 points)

Good Popper 5 Points

Display nice text once in a level

lvl 1 passed 5 Points

Complete Level One

lvl 2 passed 5 Points

Complete Level Two

lvl 3 passed 5 Points

Complete Level Three

lvl 4 passed 5 Points

Complete Level Four

lvl 5 passed 5 Points

Complete Level Five

lvl 6 passed 5 Points

Complete Level Six

Great Popper 50 Points

Display nice text twice in a level

Extreme Popper 100 Points

Display nice text 3 times in a level

Fruit Rush

Medals Earned: 5/20 (25/500 points)

01 Starter 5 Points

Get a score of 10000

02 Fruit Recruit 5 Points

Get a score of 50000

03 Apple Lover 5 Points

Get a score of 100000

11 Take a Rest 5 Points

Enter Upgrades Hut

12 First Buy 5 Points

Buy 1 Upgrade

04 Orange Juice 5 Points

Get a score of 250000

05 Pear Dispear 5 Points

Get a score of 500000

13 Money Well Spent 5 Points

But 10 Upgrades

19 Universal Smasher 5 Points

Check the android version

20 Great Supporter 5 Points

Check M10 Games

06 No More Candy 25 Points

Get a score of 1000000

07 Fruit Everywhere 25 Points

Get a score of 2000000

08 I Wanna Banana 50 Points

Get a score of 5000000

09 Pro Smasher 50 Points

Get a score of 10000000

10 Fruitageddon 50 Points

Get a score of 15000000

14 I Want Moar 50 Points

Buy 20 Upgrades

15 Fruit Destroyer 50 Points

Buy 30 Upgrades

16 Fruit Nightmare 50 Points

Buy 40 Upgrades

17 Master Upgrader 50 Points

Buy 50 Upgrades

18 Shopaholic 50 Points

Buy 60 Upgrades

Funny Adventure

Medals Earned: 1/22 (5/500 points)

Mentally disabled 5 Points

This is the same as looking directly at the sun.

-370 5 Points

Pass Stage 0-3, Gud! You IQ has beet 5% of udder calenjers!

Kill the door 5 Points

Don't be stupid.

Think twice before do something like that 5 Points

In Your Face

TROLOLO 5 Points

You know, this is just a joke right?

Break into the pig bank 10 Points

Robbers, let the pig go!!!!!!

Carrie Carrie Clumsy Clumsy 10 Points

Aww...... Don't cry......

Faithful Nemo 10 Points

'Faith' it!! Complete Stage 8-10

Panic Cat 10 Points

Just panic a lot...... UNFORTUNATELY

Riddle under the puzzled abyss 10 Points

What the? I made that riddle impossible to guess! How dare you pass stage 5-6???

Stupid Robot 10 Points

Complete a stage with 'Negative IQ'

1 o'clock murder 25 Points

SLAPTP-ME-YO!!! It means 'Slap me, you fool'.

2 o'clock murder 25 Points

What the? This is not murder, this is suicide!!

Colour Blinded 25 Points

Can't you see that it is GREEN!?

Prompt by a ghost 25 Points

How can you OWNED by a cute cat?

Smart Robot 25 Points

Complete a stage with IQ of 300 points



Good Luck! 50 Points

Complete stage 10-11.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Furious Moles (Mk.2)

Medals Earned: 2/6 (60/310 points)

Viewed 10 Points

Viewed 'em! ...credits :)

Freedom 50 Points

Freedom of speech... listen to the moles!

10 Levels 50 Points

10 levels. No problem. Keep going for 10 levels.

5 Flavors 50 Points

5 flavours served. Don't waste ice-cream.

Pacifism 50 Points

Pacifism. Moles don't like mallets.

Duet 100 Points

Some joy is coming your way!

Fury of Frostbite

Medals Earned: 16/31 (110/500 points)

Frostbite's Accomplishment 5 Points

End with a final score of 10,000.

Frostbite's Aim 5 Points

End with a 50% hit rate.

Frostbite's Attention Span 5 Points

Watch through the opening video.

Frostbite's Dexterity 5 Points

End with a 75% hit rate.

Frostbite's Fury 5 Points

Frostbite failed to escape.

Frostbite's Strike 5 Points

End with 1 kill.

Frostbite's Visit 5 Points

Visit my page (and feel free to follow me).

Frostbite's Wrath 5 Points

End with 10 kills.

Frostbite's Close Perfection 10 Points

End with a 95% hit rate.

Frostbite's Struggles 10 Points

End with a 90% hit rate.

Frostbite's OCD 25 Points

End with a perfect hit rate.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Frostbite's Killing Spree 5 Points

Kill one of Wingsnapper's clone.

Frostbite's Envy 10 Points

End with 25 kills.

Frostbite's Goal 10 Points

End with a final score of 50,000.

Frostbite's Rage 10 Points

End with 50 kills.

Frostbite's Wings 10 Points

End with a final score of 100,000.

Frostbite's Anger 25 Points

End with 100 kills.

Frostbite's Destruction 25 Points

End with 250 kills.

Frostbite's Wings of Frost 25 Points

End with a final score of 500,000.

Frostbite's Obelisk 50 Points

End with 500 kills.

Frostbite's Inner Heart 100 Points

End with a final score of 1,000,000.

Frostbite's Need for Anger Management 100 Points

End with 1000 kills.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Galactic Miner

Medals Earned: 18/20 (855/1,005 points)

Diehard 5 Points

guess it!!!

Who are We? 5 Points

guess it!!!

10 phase 10 Points

see 5 phase medal description!!!

5 phase 10 Points

passed 5 phase, i think i dont need to give more description!!!

100 minerals 25 Points

guess it!!!!

500 minerals 25 Points

am I too lazy to write correct description???

Refueling 25 Points

refuel several times to unlock this!!!

1000 minerals 50 Points

just see the medal name!!!

20 phase 50 Points

same as before!!!

Dream come true 50 Points

my dream is become popular guy, how about you???

Fuel maxed 50 Points

no need to say, how to unlock this medal

Handling maxed 50 Points

max the handling, no more to say!!!

Refill maxed 50 Points

i know you must know how to get this!!!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Quick end 100 Points

make the target real quick!!!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Gargoyles of the Galaxy

Medals Earned: 3/6 (15/100 points)

Gargoyles of the Galaxy 5 Points

Thanks for your support!

Gods and Angels vs Demons 5 Points

Play through the opening cinematic.

The Pumpkin in my Feet 5 Points

Who carries a pumpkin into deep space between their toes? Gross, Happy Hallowween.

Rocket Gargoyle 10 Points

Beat the game on Easy.

Gargoyle the Destroyer 25 Points

Beat the game on Normal.

Star-Gargoyle 50 Points

Bear the game on Hard.

Garrys Warm Intentions

Medals Earned: 2/4 (10/25 points)

Innocent Bystander 5 Points

Killed an Innocent Bystander

Zombie Mode 5 Points

Unlock Zombie Mode

Zombies Vanquished 10 Points

Vanquish the Zombie scurge

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 16/18 (440/500 points)

Discoverer 5 Points

Checked credits page

Getting Started 5 Points

Buy 3 upgrades

Silent Player 5 Points

Play Without Music

Clicker 10 Points

Clicked 1,000 Times

Fisherman 10 Points

Catch 50 fishes

Getting Richer 10 Points

Earn 10,000 Stars

Logger 10 Points

Hit the beanstalk 50 times

Miner 10 Points

Mine 50 ores

Bodybuilder 25 Points

Buy all stronger muscle upgrades

Fabulous 25 Points

Buy all outfit upgrades

Fancy 25 Points

Buy 10 outfit upgrades

Gamer 25 Points

Play game for 1 hour

Professional Employer 25 Points

Hire all workers

Star Killer 50 Points

Earn 1,000,000 Stars

Jack's Legacy 100 Points

Cut down the giant beanstalk

Upgrade Complete 100 Points

Buy All Upgrades

Auto Clicker 10 Points

Click 10,000 Times

Like a Boss 50 Points

Clicked 50,000 Times


Medals Earned: 2/16 (10/145 points)

First of Many 5 Points


Gatlin' 5 Points

Start story mode!

Chain Reaction 5 Points

Ignite an explosive with an explosion.

CT Sided 5 Points

Extinguish a lit fuse.

My First 1k 5 Points

Shoot 1,000 total bullets.

Non-non Perishables 5 Points

Die 100 times.

Terminated. 5 Points

Die at terminal velocity.

Gettin' the Gist 10 Points

Die 1,000 times.

Pew Pew 10 Points

Shoot 1,000,000 total bullets.

Photo Finish 10 Points

KIll a boss despite being dead. #NoFilter

Live, Die, Repeat 25 Points

Die 10,000 times.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!